Hi, this is a collection of things I’ve created over the years.





JS1k is a JavaScript code golfing competition with a 1024b limit. I’ve entered a few demos over the years. Most are games and all are interactive.

Screenshot of the “Leap of Faith” demo showing a wizard in front of a tower.


JS13kGames is a JavaScript game development competition with a 13kb limit. That’s enough to not have to golf the code but not enough to use an existing framework.

Screenshot of the “Pirates of the Glitchy Sea” game showing a ship on an isometric sea.


Screenshot of the “Faster than Minecarts” map showing a planet and a spaceship.

Faster than Minecarts is a Minecraft adventure map created within 33 hours for the 4th Mod Jam. Therefor it’s a bit on the shorter side but it has space travel!

Screenshot of a computer in Minecraft; lots of wires.

I once built a programmable computer in Minecraft. Programs are written in Brainfuck and stored by naming villagers.
